Tiburon Yacht Club
Cold winds off San Francisco Bay restricted the events that could be held on the large deck of the Tiburon Yacht Club. The addition of a large trellis with weather screening will greatly increase the number of affairs possible in this stunning location. We designed a system of transparent "soft walls" that can be rolled up or dropped down in inclement weather/ Referencing the wind protection used on sailing boats, the curtains are held in place with vertical zippers. The unabtrusice roof of trasparent polyurathane mazimizes the sense of being outside. Sitting along the edge of San Francisco Bay and overlooking the yacht harbor, the deck will be the perfect site for large parties including wedding receptions and dinner dances.
contact  |  510.836.5600  |  info@RSArchitecture.com
      DPR Construction
      Swinerton & Walberg
      Julia Morgan School
              School for Girls
      Mills College
      Tiburon Yacht Club
      Buena Vista
      East Bay Hills
      Four-Bridge View
      Scenic Piedmont
      Library & Studio
      Updated Upper Piedmont
      Illuminated Suite
      Moon Court